North Alabama Soccer Coalition


TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a community-based training and team placement program for young athletes with special needs. The program, designed and administered by US Youth Soccer and its volunteer TOPSoccer Committee, provides meaningful learning, development, and physical participation opportunities to these young athletes through the game of soccer. The emphasis of this program is on development, training, and meaningful participation rather than on competition. 

The North Alabama TOPSoccer Program began in the Spring of 2010 with 13 players. TOPSoccer fits with the main goal of NASC, which is to help young athletes develop their physical fitness, technical skills, courage and self esteem, through the joy and excitement of playing soccer. North Alabama TOPSoccer's motto is “To Focus on the Ability.”

TopSoccer has training for all types of players and will evaluate them and place them in the correct group at the beginning of the year.  Individual training is offered to players who do well in a one-on-one setting because we would like to give every child in the North Alabama area an opportunity to play soccer.

The program is successful because of the dedication of its volunteers and the parents’ participation.  Each special needs player receives one-on-one attention at all times from a middle school, high school, or college age volunteer. Each skill or game is adapted to each child’s special need and every child participates at the level that they are able. The admiration and friendships between the players and coaches will leave both with valuable and lasting memories.


Contact North Alabama SC

Contact Info

3057 Leeman Ferry Rd SW
Huntsville, AL  35801

Phone: 256.489.2849

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